Library Receives Technology Grant
Addison Township Public Library Receives IMLS Grant, for Check IT Out: Tablet and Hotspot Lending Program
The Addison Twp. Library is pleased to announce that it has received a generous grant on April 16, 2020, from The Institute of Museum and Library Services to fund Check IT Out: Tablet and Hotspot Lending Program.
The award, which promotes the use of technology and internet access, funds six mobile devices such as tablets, iPads, Kindles as well as two Chromecast streaming devices. Patrons will have the ability to borrow these devices to test drive them in their own home. Instruction and support will be available for anyone not familiar with this technology. In addition, the library will also provide three mobile hotspots to circulate in conjunction with these devices.
The Addison Township Library is honored to join with the Institute of Museum and Library Services to expand and enhance our services in the community. We are very excited to grow our patron access to 21st century technology through interactive programming. This award reinforces that libraries play an instrumental role in the communities they serve.
We also want to thank The Library of Michigan for helping to facilitate this grant proposal. The Library of Michigan promotes funding for library growth through educational, technological and community partnerships. The Library of Michigan’s mission is to support public libraries across Michigan and strive to bring funding to develop creative and relevant library services. The IMLS grant for $1,570, will have a huge impact on services to our rural community.
Beginning approximately in June 2020, patrons will have the ability to checkout a tablet or iPad with a mobile hotspot. For more information go to
Addison Twp. Library
Jaema Berman, Library Director 1400 Rochester Rd. Leonard, MI 48367 (248) 628-7180 |
Addison Twp. Library Board of Trustees
James Baldiga, President 1400 Rochester Rd. Leonard, MI 48367 |