Response to Anonymous
[ We recently received an anonymous message through this website from someone who indicated that they were a township resident and were accusing The Library Board of not being honest with regards to how the new building will be paid for in the future. This is our response to those concerns. ]
Dear Anonymous ~
We’ve always been 100% transparent with regards to how the new building will be paid for. All of our meetings are open and agendas and minutes are posted online. The funding plan is even on this website.
We will fund the new building construction using the library’s fund balance to pay for approximately 25% of the estimated cost, a planned construction loan to pay the next approximately 50% and the final 25% is to come from our Capital Campaign fundraising. We hope to raise more than 25% with the Capital Campaign which would lower our construction loan amount.
Additionally, we are actively seeking alternatives to some of our projected costs. Early on in our planning a township resident generously offered both labor and materials for our computer networking needs. Volunteers recently traveled to Jenison, MI to pick up donated shelving for the new library. Approximately 300’ of high-quality and good-condition library shelving was secured for our project. We do not anticipate having to buy any new shelving for our new building. Lastly, volunteers are scheduled to pick-up commercial quality interior doors in the coming weeks, again offsetting our projected costs.
You are correct in your assertion that it will be challenging to cover our future costs with our ¾ perpetual millage. Here is some historical perspective on that millage:
The 10-year operating millage passed by voters in 2014 was a “restorative millage” to get us back up to our originally approved rate. That operating millage expires in 2024 and depending on how our finances look in the year or two prior, we may be looking to seek approval to restore the restorative millage.
Contrary to your assertions though, we are not deluding ourselves nor are we trying to be dishonest to township residents.
There is a tremendous amount of support for a new library building in our township and enthusiasm continues to build. We invite you to come to our meetings to learn more about the project and get involved or donate if you can.
Thank you.
Addison Township Library Board of Trustees