Response to Concerned re: Staffing for the New Library
We have recently become aware of talk from some in our community concerning how we plan to staff the new building with our current funding model. This is our response to those concerns.
Dear Concerned ~
It’s hard to predict the future. It would be disingenuous for the Board to pretend to be able to do so, however all of the Board members, the Library staff, and many of your friends and neighbors in the community believe that a newer and more comfortable library is worth the effort. Our new library will be an asset & a benefit to all current and future members of our community.
To address your concerns: though larger in size, we are planning to have the same amount of staff as our current building. The layout of the main desk and the shelves for the collection allow for an adequate amount of patron supervision & assistance. Our Library, your Library, currently has 1 Full-time employee and 12 part-time employees. Payroll represents 50% of our annual budget.
We also anticipate some savings in our monthly utilities due to modern building codes and the likelihood that a building built in the year 2020 would be significantly more energy efficient than the space we’re currently in.
There is a tremendous amount of support for a new library building in our township and enthusiasm continues to build. We invite you to come to our meetings to learn more about the project and get involved or donate if you can.
Thank you.
Addison Township Library Board
A Donation of Doors
Our new building project was recently the recipient of all or most of the interior doors we will need for the new building. Our construction manager estimates this will save us close to $8,000.
The doors come from an insurance office in Farmington that is being remodeled. The doors are commercial quality, 7.5 ft tall, very heavy with a cherry finish. All of the hardware and the frames for all but the double doors were also donated. The frames are solid cherry. It’s envisioned that the double doors will open to our multi-purpose room. Each door and it’s associated hardware and frame(s) were numbered and cataloged for the future.
Volunteers traveled to Farmington and disassembled these doors and brought them back to Addison Township where they were put into donated climate-controlled storage until they’re needed.
Thank you volunteers!
Response to Anonymous
[ We recently received an anonymous message through this website from someone who indicated that they were a township resident and were accusing The Library Board of not being honest with regards to how the new building will be paid for in the future. This is our response to those concerns. ]
Dear Anonymous ~
We’ve always been 100% transparent with regards to how the new building will be paid for. All of our meetings are open and agendas and minutes are posted online. The funding plan is even on this website.
Shelving Donation from Jenison Library
Volunteers from the Addison Township Library recently traveled to Jenison MI to claim some donated shelving from the Georgetown Township Public Library located in Jenison MI. Georgetown Library recently completed the construction of their new library and this shelving was redundant.
Our volunteers were greeted with help and support from several local Boy Scout Troops who were contacted ahead of time by our local volunteers. They were asked for assistance disassembling the shelving and loading it into the rental truck. The Scouts earned service time. Pizza and pop was served to all the volunteers.
All the helping hands made quick work of the disassembly and loading. In less than 4 hours several hundred feet of 7 foot, 5 foot, and 4 foot tall double shelving units were disassembled and loaded into the truck for travel back to Addison Township for storage at “Stor Your Stuf” in Lakeville. Additionally, there was also some media shelving, rolling media cabinets and maps storage file cabinets donated to our Library. Volunteers on this end helped unload the truck and load the shelving into the storage unit.